
Posts Tagged ‘Chrome extension’

Content Farms: A Threat to Quality Content

February 17, 2011 Leave a comment

Its been always a headache for any search engine company to detect and prevent webspam from their search results and now content farms became another headache for them.Since Google is a most used search engine on the net, so its a big challenge and huge responsibility for them to provide safe ,useful and informative results for users.

Now a question arises here “what the hell this content farms is?

Content farms is thousands of low quality and uninspired contents which is written for just to drive more traffic out of that make lots of money.Because these contents are based on the highly searched niche or keywords so they get good rank and appears in the front page of the search results.

Recently Matt Cutts has written in the Google official blog about the new Google Chrome extension which is going to help the users to prevent from the web devil such “Content Farms”.

How this new Chrome extension will help to prevent from the content farms?

As Matt Cutts has written in the Google blog

Today we’re launching an early, experimental Chrome extension so people can block sites from their web search results. If installed, the extension also sends blocked site information to Google, and we will study the resulting feedback and explore using it as a potential ranking signal for our search results.

Source:The Official Google Blog

As Mr Cutts has mention in the blog and ask the readers,writers,blogger and all those internet users to block those sites using the new Chrome extension,which they think that is a content farms sites.

Install Google Chrome Extension from here : Personal Blocklist By Google