
Posts Tagged ‘Google’

Google Recipe View : Let Our Search To Be More Personal And Productive

February 25, 2011 Leave a comment

Every time Google is coming with something more innovative and users friendly ideas and recipe view is the one of them.Google has added a new feature Recipe View which will help the users to narrow down the search results and get the desired information which they needed.

So far whenever we needed some cooking ideas or recipes from the internet we of course search in a Google or You tube.For an example we wanted to cook Indian spicy non vegetarian curry like spicy chicken curry,we used to type in the Google search “Spicy Chicken Curry recipes” and as a search result there would be many sites displayed from where we can learn how to cook spicy chicken curry.But if we want less calories in our food or less time consuming then what to do? Because normally  they wont tell you how much calories they have in that recipes or how much time will that take in preparation,or Sometimes you don’t want to add some ingredients in some recipes but they have added up.So how to customize your recipes?

Filtered Google Searched Results without Recipe View

Now Google has given us a new feature in the search engine called “Recipe View” now we can filter or customize our search result with our requirements.

To experience  the Google recipe view search impact just go to type in the search for recipe or ingredient box(ie,cauliflower,chicken,Apple) and hit search and you will find left hand side under Recipes  “Ingredients”,”Any cook time” and “Any calories” with options to select.Now you can narrow down or customize your recipes according to your requirements.

So here is the search result which will you get.This result is more refined and perfect with the rich snippets markup.This is really awesome – Thanks to Google!!!!. By the way Recipe View  feature is available for US and Japan only according to Google Blog gradually this will be rolling out in other countries also.

Content Farms: A Threat to Quality Content

February 17, 2011 Leave a comment

Its been always a headache for any search engine company to detect and prevent webspam from their search results and now content farms became another headache for them.Since Google is a most used search engine on the net, so its a big challenge and huge responsibility for them to provide safe ,useful and informative results for users.

Now a question arises here “what the hell this content farms is?

Content farms is thousands of low quality and uninspired contents which is written for just to drive more traffic out of that make lots of money.Because these contents are based on the highly searched niche or keywords so they get good rank and appears in the front page of the search results.

Recently Matt Cutts has written in the Google official blog about the new Google Chrome extension which is going to help the users to prevent from the web devil such “Content Farms”.

How this new Chrome extension will help to prevent from the content farms?

As Matt Cutts has written in the Google blog

Today we’re launching an early, experimental Chrome extension so people can block sites from their web search results. If installed, the extension also sends blocked site information to Google, and we will study the resulting feedback and explore using it as a potential ranking signal for our search results.

Source:The Official Google Blog

As Mr Cutts has mention in the blog and ask the readers,writers,blogger and all those internet users to block those sites using the new Chrome extension,which they think that is a content farms sites.

Install Google Chrome Extension from here : Personal Blocklist By Google